There are very few resources available (at this time!) for thinking about stuttering other than as an individual and biological problem to be fixed, but we've found a few. We'll update this page as the list grows; if you come across helpful literature please let us know.
Stuttering Literature
- "How to Stutter More" is a fantastic blog about rethinking and resisting fluency.
- Holte, Doreen Lenz. 2011. Voice Unearthed: Hope, Help, and a Wake-Up-Call for the Parents of Children who Stutter. Holte.
Academic Stuttering Literature
- Dolmage, Jay. 2013. Disability Rhetoric. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.
- Paterson, Kevin. 2012. “It’s About Time! Understanding the Experience of Speech Impairment.” In Nick Watson, Alan Roulstone, and Carol Thomas, eds., Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies. New York: Routledge, 165-177.
- St. Pierre, Joshua. 2012. "The Construction of The Disabled Speaker: Locating Stuttering in Disability Studies." Canadian Journal of Disability Studies 1(3): 1-21.
Disability Literature
- Union of the Physically Impaired Against Segregation. 1975. Fundamental Principles of Disability. Leeds: The UK Disability Archive.
- Withers, A.J. 2012. Disability Politics & Theory. Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.
Academic Disability Literature
- Hahn, H. 1985. Toward A Politics of Disability: Definitions, Disciplines and Policies. Independent Living Institute.